A Water Watcher is a responsible person who supervises swimmers at the pool until the next person takes over.
As a Water Watcher I Pledge:
- I will maintain constant visual contact with all the swimmers who are in or near the water.
- I will remain by the water until I am relieved by another designated Water Watcher.
- I will enforce the pool rules and stop any dangerous activity.
- I will have access to a phone and have it readily available in case of emergency.
- While on duty, I will not look at my phone, socialize, read a book, consume alcoholic beverages, or engage in any activity that distracts me from watching swimmers.
During an Emergency, I Pledge to:
- Activate the pools emergency action plan to include:
- Call 911 or have another responsible person call for help.
- Use the safety equipment as needed to help swimmers to the side of the pool.
- Ensure all other swimmers exit the pool until the emergency is over.
- Provide first aid and CPR to the best of my ability if certified to do so.
Pledge Adopted From:
http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/eh/safety/water-watchers.htm and